מטען USB ידני לשעת חירום – מטען זה הוא איכותי ביותר ומתאים להטענה בכל סביבה ללא חשמל ומצויין למטיילים, חיילים, ימאים, אנשים בממ”ד או כל מקרה חירום אחר שבו חייבים הטענה מהירה כשתשתית החשמל לא עובדת או לא קיימת. סיבוב הידית לכ-2 דקות יטעין טלפון לכ-2% (תלוי בדגם) מספיק בשביל לבצע שיחת חירום או לשלוח מיקום בוואטצאפ למשל. מוצר מעולה למצבי חירום בכל סביבה. לפרטים נוספים אנא קראו בהמשך באנגלית.
The USB hand crank charger provides emergency portable electric power when you need it most by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generate electrical power in any environment!
Built to withstand harsh conditions, the UHCC (USB hand crank charger) is the ultimate survival tool for emergency situations when you need to quickly power up your phone, flashlight, satellite phone, GPS, batteries, power-bank, camera, radio and more.
Whether you are an aid worker in a disaster zone, an offshore sailor navigating rough seas, an adventurer exploring remote territories or military personnel operating with a no electricity are, the UHCC has you covered.
This device is a practical charger for your USB mobile devices in any environment by simply using the power of your bare hands. By turning the crank handle will generate 5V at 2A. Within 3 minutes of cranking the handle you will be able to charge most cell phones with 5% power on average allowing you to make emergency phone calls, use your emails and message apps or any navigation app you might have installed.
The USB hand crank charger is made from sustainable aluminium. the crank handle is removable so that the unit will stored easily in its case.
- Detachable handle and compact design – 110 mm length and 550 gr carry weight, all fitting into a portable travel case.
- Simple operation: Insert the handle, connect a device (or the adaptor) using the USB-C cable and turn in either direction to begin generating power.
- Durable, reliable construction built from aluminium with an IP65 waterproof rating and integrated rubber hand grip.
- 5V at 2A output: Charge a 0% phone and make an emergency call in 2.5 minutes (on average depending on phone).
- The Dock is a simple but effective accessory not included in the kit. By placing the charger on the dock, and securing with minimal pressure, you can operate the crank very easily for an extended period of time. Lightweight and made from hardened rubber for durability.
- Incomparable to other similar cheaply made products available since this one is of the highest durability, strength of materials, long lasting and tested to EU and FCC standards.
- Tested for conformity to EN 55032, EN 55035, FCC Part 15 Subpart A & B and RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and (EU) 2015/863.
Price DOES NOT include delivery. If in Israel then price will appear with the 17% VAT. A separate cost will be sent for shipping this item. Cost will depend on the client's address, weight and/or volume of the package.