We at Mayer Antiques and Collectibles love and have a large variety of fields of interest both as collectors and as antique dealers. Besides our love for antique edged weapons one of our other passions is military statues or militaria sculptures, figurines of warriors from through our history. We greatly appreciate the craftsmanship of the sculptures who with their talent and imagination use materials such as bronze, spelter, metal, wood and others, and make them into beautiful works of art depicting soldiers and warriors with their arms and armour, muscular and athletic bodies and piercing facial expressions. Most of our collection of military statues consist of medieval knights, samurai warriors, gladiators, soldiers, native american warriors and some Germanic and Viking warriors and more. Most of the militaria sculptures are bronze and the others are of various other metal and materials.

One of our in stock items of warrior statues is of this Samurai by James Turner, a sculpture made of bronze depicting an elderly samurai warrior wearing his yukata and ready to draw his katana from its scabbard.

Another example of a militaria style statue that we have in stock is that of Joan of Arc or Jeanne d’Arc, the real life glorified young woman warrior that fought against the occupation of the British and their allies of French lands. This beautiful gun grade metal sculpture is in an art nouveau style showing in great detail her armor and chain of armor suit beneath and her beautiful face expression. She is wearing a golden laurel, holding a sword in her right hand and spear in her left. At the base her helmet and crossbow can be seen.

We hope that our variety of militaria sculptures increases as time goes by bringing you more and more warrior statues from around the world and throughout history, each with its own story to tell. Our inventory of antique bronze sculptures changed constantly as they are sold and we purchase others. They vary from everyday life characters, to mythology, art deco and art nouveau styles, heroes to military subject matters. All are done with an exquisite attention to detail in a very high quality that made them survive for so many years, passed on throughout the generations within a family or sold within the dealers and collectors market.